Monday, October 27, 2008

Lilly Bug...
Words can't describe how hard this little girl makes me laugh.
While Chris and I were watching a movie a couple of weeks ago downstairs we were feeling some hunger pains and needed some nourishment in our bellies. To our surprise as we walked into the kitchen, this is what we found...

Who is the only 2 1/2 year old that can sport a diaper, cape, and crocs?

As we were partying in Rextown the other night, Eliza, Sadie, Jeff and I paid a visit to Emily. We brought her a delicious cupcake from the Cupcake Cafe. There were all sorts of flavors consisting of grasshopper, red velvet (Whatever that is), and other flavors. We brought Emily a pumpkin spice chocolate chip cupcake. I know it sounds good and it was amazing. Anyway, Lilly was very excited to have friends play with her. Apparently it was our bedtime so she made us all cozy and put us to bed.


Sara said...

caleb, i'm seeing such a sweet, sensitive side...keep it up dude.
yo! where's the mission call already?

Froska said...

Caleb Lilly will miss you sooo much when you are gone. What will we do? Looks like you guys had a fun night of cookin chicken. Love ya!

Rachel said...

I can't even wait to see her. Your totally the favorite uncle. How does it feel?