Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mexico here I come

As you all know I received my mission call last Friday. That morning I was walking around the yard with much anticipation. I wasn't really expecting it to come. It did. As I was walking down the drive-way staring at it, I was thinking about how I would break the news to Mom. So the first thing I did when I walked in the house was yell "Mooooooom." Sounded good at the time. I walked into her room and said "It's here!" "Whats here?" "My call." So while Mom and Eliza frantically started calling family members, I was listening to music. Big surprise. Anyway, after waiting for and hour it was finally time to open it. And Mexico it is. On top of Mom, Sadie, and Eliza crying, I noticed Cruz from across the table with tears also in her eyes. She was more excited than I was. I am very excited to learn Spanish and to go serve the Lord and eat awesome Mexican food. February 11 is my day of departure. Peace out.